Tuesday, May 19, 2015

How to Deal with Stress Effectively

Okay, so most of you don't know, because I don't know you personally... but I have been on tumblr for a really long time.  Member wise, not perusing wise (though if you would have asked me yesterday... I spent wayyyy to much time on there...). ANYWAY.  I have a post on there that talks about "how to deal with stress effectively" (yes, occasionally I recycle my subjects).  Now I wrote this post back when I was a junior in high school and you can definitely tell, but going back and reading it, it made me start to wonder about how I deal with my stress now.  And so I'm going to try to come up with a somewhat entertaining list for you to read.  And hey, maybe it will even help you deal with stress more efficiently as well.
1.) Read a book or write a rant.
As you can probably see from my last post, I tend to write my feelings out on the interwebs where anyone can see how crazy I am.  However, if writing incoherent paragraphs is not for you, I suggest snuggling up with something *hot* to drink and reading a book.  There is a reason why there is so many books out there, because people keep writing them.  But also, that gives you an opportunity to transport yourself to a different world or even view of reality.  I prefer portals that take me to a world where I'm not surrounded by men who are too scared to go after girls they like.  Or a world where people are just as crazy as I am.  *I read a lot of political biographies for that one*.  But personally, I still think there is no better way to let out aggression than putting fingers to keyboard.  Or pen to paper.  Whichever floats your boat.  Though, just be careful if it could be considered threatening to another person... that could be bad.
NOTE:  This blogger does not hold any responsibility for any actions based on the reader.
2.)  Cry.  AKA "sweat through your eyes".
I don't have tear ducts, I had them removed because they were unnecessary.  And then they grew back when I grew breasts.  Stupid puberty.  Anyway, this is actually a real way to help relieve your stress levels.  Sometimes there is nothing a woman *or man* needs more than just a good cry.  And honestly it could be about just about anything.  For example, my last big cry was about a.) how I don't have any direction in life, b.) how I haven't mastered the art of teleportation, and c.) how the boy-band One Direction is falling apart.  (I am actually more upset about that than I should be).  However, once I cried and I couldn't breathe through my nose anymore plus my face was red and puffy, I remembered why some things aren't so bad that they are worth looking like death for.  As humans we tend to make a bigger deal out of things than they really are.  Crying helps us liquefy our worries and clear our head.  Though I don't recommend looking in the mirror when you cry.  I did that once and I started crying harder because I looked so sad, like a beaten-down puppy.  Plus I'm a sympathetic crier.
3.)  Whatever you do, DON'T stress eat.
I know, I know, sometimes there is just nothing more relaxing than a cup of cocoa or a bit of chocolate, or a bag of gummy bears, or a whole box of oreos, but really stress eating can become a problem.  That's why I've come up with a better solution!  I STRESS BAKE.  Haha, I'm serious!  It's awesome!  When I get too over-stressed, especially because people are being uber stupid and difficult to deal with, I bake.  I make cookies or caramel corn, or cheesecake or bread.  Something with a lot of carbs preferably.  And then I eat a normal portion and then give the rest away.  That way, I make the people around me fat.  Which makes me secretly happy and I *evil laugh* inside my head.  Because everyone thinks I'm being generous when really I am slowly poisoning them!  Heh heh heh....
NOTE:  The blogger does not bake with actual poison or any other harmful substance that could be fatal (she's thought about it, but doesn't do it.)  The only malice in her food is that sometimes it's cooked with hate instead of love.  But stupid people can't taste the difference if it's delivered with a smile.  
4.)  Take a bath or shower and have the stress melt away...
Just be sure that you come out eventually.  If you get too relaxed and die, imagine how they'll find you.... A giant raisin of a person floating in their own filth... ew.  Actually, don't think about that when you're trying to relax... heh... counter productive.
5.)  Work it out!
That means gym time!  Or a swim in a pool!  Or my favorite, an overly competitive game of DDR.  Whatever gets your blood pumping!  Because like a great quote from the movie Legally Blonde states "Exercise makes endorphins.  Endorphins make you happy.  Happy people just don't kill their husbands.  They just don't."  (That quote worked a lot better in my head).
6.)  And finally.... Don't take life so seriously.
I know it's hard when you feel like you are juggling all the aspects of life; school, family, social life, career, plans, relationships, pets, bills, politics, health, words that are only found in random adult conversation people think you should know.  And especially when you're down on your luck and just don't know how everything is going to work out.  But, 9/10 things do work out.  And if they don't, something else will work out.  Just never give up.  Or if you can't get out of a rut... walk a mile in someone else's shoes.  Because while you are walking, you'll have time to think of all the positive things in your life.  Plus, you'll gain a new pair of shoes!  


I hate feeling.  Well I hate feeling strongly about things, and unfortunately for me, I'm a very passionate person.
I currently live at home with my parents.  As a young adult it is tough to try and find a place in this world when 1.) Your parents want to know your "plan", 2.) You feel as if you are still in high school, though that was several years ago, and 3.) society makes growing up so easy.
I hate actors for that.  They get to look the part without actually having to have any of the actual experiences WHILE being paid lots of moneys.  But not everyone was born to act.  I mean, I can be dramatic at times, but I don't think that's what directors are looking for.
ANYWAY.  I know it's important to have a plan.  I want to have a plan and to be honest, I really NEED to have one.  I'm the kind of perfectionist that needs to have control over every little detail.  And since I'm not God, I don't have control over everything.  Or even most things.  (I mean if I did, do you think I'd be living at home still?  Highly unlikely.)
Don't get me wrong, I love my folks, but I'm just not going to feel very fulfilled or successful until I can come home from my job and go into my own apartment with my fish and own thoughts.  Plus my house is not helping with my depression.  Stupid.
I'm so sorry my post is all over the place.  Heh, I used to think I was good at writing, not I feel like I'm more pro at ranting than writing.  I don't know where I want to go, I just know I don't want to be where I am.  And I know one of my favorite sayings is "If you don't like something about your life, change it. You're not a tree." but at the moment I feel rooted down (tree pun.... not that funny, I get it.).
They say these are the best years of our life.  Oh goodness, I hope that's not true.  Because if it is, just end it now.  All the stress and decisions.... psh....  Then again, getting started on something is usually the hardest part.  I guess you could argue that we young adults are just barely getting started on life.  I guess that would make sense why it's so hard.  Hmm... breakthrough.  However, that doesn't mean that I'm not going to want to watch old school Nickelodeon with a bag of gummy bears pretending I'm 7yrs. again.  I guess growing up doesn't mean losing the little joys in life.  It just means that now you have to buy your own gummy bears.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Yes.  The title.  It's weird.

But, I believe that it is true as well.  And I'm sick and tired of people pretending that it's not.  EVERYONE GETS PIMPLES.  Even celebrities, like the god-like Hugh Jackman (well, maybe not him...).  Either you get acne in your teens, when stressed, during allergy season, during your 20s, or you have them your entire life, one way or another you WILL experience the battle of the pimple.  And that's okay.

Now of course, the beginning paragraph was talking about actual skin breakout and little white pus balls, but I don't want to write about actual acne my entire time on this blog.  I want to talk about the metaphorical pimples we go through in reality.  Because like real-life pimples, everyone has a hard time in their life.  Even celebrities, this time Hugh Jackman included.

Anyway.  I realized that I have a lot of friends who are going through a variety of problems.  Some of them are single (which I don't really know why that is a problem), some of them have supppppper possessive boyfriends (seriously, when he is telling you that you have "permission" to talk to your friends, it's time to reevaluate), some have health issues that can't be explained, others have anxiety/ depression/ suicidal thoughts, and others have self confidence issues.  That list doesn't even scratch the surface.  Needless to say, they aren't alone in their problems.  Yet for some reason they think they are the only ones who "break out".  Crazy how that works, but it's a truth

I feel like society has made my generation believe that it is NOT okay to have blemishes, that you should always look perfect and happy.  But why?  Who are we trying to impress?

But I'll get to my opinions on all of that in my coming posts.  I just wanted to scratch the surface of what I would be doing with this blog and define the word pimple.  Because it's not always supposed to be taken literally.  Well, now it isn't anyway.