Monday, October 24, 2016

I was REALLY not expecting this.

I know I am becoming an adult as the years go by and as I tack on more responsibilities, but I feel like I missed the line where they were handing out the manuals.  So my question is, where can  I go to get one?
Seriously, life would be a lot simpler if there was like a generic rule book that was individually printed to match my exact and current situation.  I know, I know, we have the Bible and Book of Mormon, and C.S. Lewis, plus a whole bunch of inspired and motivating books.  But were in the world is the section on dating, marriage, work and school???  Because I might not have been looking hard enough, but I feel like those were not included in my books.
I just don't want to look back in 20, 10, 15, 5 years thinking "what if" or that I made a mistake in one of the crucial setting stone decisions I'm making for my life.  It's a lot of pressure and I'm not prepared to handle it!
Okay, I'm cool, I'm cool, I'm cool...
I just don't want to screw up ya know?  I just want to make my life worthwhile and not pull one over on Future Aimee.

Sometimes I just wish adulting was simpler.  Not even easier, just that I would know what I needed to do to get where I didn't know I wanted to be in the future. I find it a little funny however how most of us where in such a hurry to get here... At least I was. Now that I'm an "adult in training" I kind of want to go backwards and hide in the time were coloring outside the lines by accident was my biggest crisis.
Now it's "how exactly do taxes work?" and "how do I file an auto claim" and "make your own dentist appointments."  That's a lot of anxiety for me heh heh.  Maybe everyone else has it figured out, but I'm still making it all up as I go.

Remember, when in doubt, just smile but don't nod.  If you nod, you might accidentally agree to something like all those credit card companies who have found me and want me to sign up with a high interest rate.  Yay adulthood.
Where are my goldfish crackers?  I need a juice box...